Starting Again

The old blog I had on this domain became corrupted by some kind of malicious code. This was probably due to me not updating my WP and plugins. This happened because I lost the impetus to update the site. I wasn’t visiting and seeing the update prompts. I let things slide and some internet opportunists took the chance to take advantage of an established domain, either automated or willfully. Anyway in the end that was my fault. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

This is a great opportunity to begin again. I have got rid of the old site rather than painstakingly comb it for the malicious code. It’s time to make a new start and try to make a site that I want to update and nurture. I had mostly been posting about making music and the music industry. I am planning to focus less and just write what interests me from day to day moving forward. I might repost or update some of my old posts as some of them had quite a few views, but the main thing is to try and create posts that I enjoy. Perhaps some others will enjoy them too.





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